Hi, I’m Juneau! I am a Blue Merle, Mini Australian Shepherd. I am the most loyal girl and I’m always ready to run and play outside with my frisbie. I am very smart and quick to learn!
I’m Jett! I am a beautiful Red Tri, Mini Australian Shepherd. I’m the most loving boy! All attention must be on ME! I use my paws to get my family’s attention when they are ignoring me. I am very laid back and love cuddles! I will do anything to please!
Hi, I'm Ellie. I am a Golden Retriever! I'm a BIG girl! I am full of energy and love. I like to go on walks and bring in BIG sticks for my mom. Mom says I'm smart because I click a button when I need to go outside. I love giving BIG hugs!
I'm Auggie! I am a mini Poodle. I am extremely loyal to Grandpa! I go to work with him everyday. I know how to dance, rollover, and I know how to charm my way into any trip!
Hi, I'm Stella! I am a Mini Poodle. I am also extremely loyal to Grandpa! I make Auggie very, very jealous. I am very vocal and the newest baby in the family!
Hi! My name is Bear and I am a Black Tri Mini Australian Shepherd! I love my mom so so much. I can't stand to be away from her. I am the clingiest, most loveable girl, and I have the softest heart. I was born from Juneau and Jett's first litter!
Hi! My name is Chief! I am a VERY big Golden boy and I am full of energy. I love to cuddle with mom and play with all my brothers and sisters!